Thursday, September 12, 2019

System Analysis and design (case study) Case Study - 1

System Analysis and design ( ) - Case Study Example At Emory, a collection of mobile apps have been rolled out to cater for research, medicine, running school services and human resources. The school has 20 apps focusing on delivery of digital information and creation of an efficient and cost-effective infrastructure. The apps find usage in the memorial hospital where a clinical mobile app is used in massive transfusion1. Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) is a movement that has brought radical transformations in various enterprises helping organizations to boost their productivity to unimaginable heights. The employees to the organizations have also been more engaged. However, the technology has been faced with some challenges2. For instance, the major challenge is increased mobile security breaches. Employees in most organizations especially in the U.S are allowed to carry their mobile devices to the work place. However, following policies set on the use and management of the devices is a problem the organizations have to contend with. The mobile devices have a great potential of transforming how the daily activities of an organization are conducted. However, to realize the full potential, employees have to be educated on how the mobile devices can be fully utilized. There is lack of an organization-wide awareness about the mobile capabilities which is hurting the productivity of the organizations. To realize the value of the mobile enterprise, there has to be aggressive collaboration between the employees and the organizations3. The employees must be trained on the various ways of utilizing the apps on their mobile devices for the good of the organization. Training has to go beyond the basics of exchanging emails and sending instant messages4. If the companies are to succeed in the future, they will have to meet the high standards and requirements that are offered by Millennials for the mobile technologies and functions. The IT departments should consider working on apps such

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